Xbox 360 s teardown
Xbox 360 s teardown

xbox 360 s teardown

The guide worked great.sadly, i think my disk drive is toast Never pay them fix it yourself and have fun with it now i am able to customize my cover and not worry about paying $100 dollars for an outrageous repair. they will try and screw you over every which way. Microsoft SUCKS every experience i have with them is bad. thanks for the advice will probably post a follow up after this. i am opening up my disc reader at this very moment and hopefully if it gets cleaned it will work again. its time consuming though)i put in the new reader and i started it up and it reads the disc as a dvd and says i need to put this disc into a xbox 360 console. well long story short i was able to get a fried xbox whos reader still works so i literally pried open both of them (Microsoft did a terrible job of constructing them and the 2nd layer is made of aluminum i was able to open it with a knife and a pair of pliers. My disc reader stopped working completely and it wouldn't read anything.I called microsoft and they wanted me to pay $100 to fix it (iam sort of poor so i told them to go die and i filed a complaint). Sometimes dvd's will get the "can't read media" error too. So I open and close the tray, the game seems to be read, but screen stays black (like it doesn just before the game really starts). I cleaned the lens but still get the "reading" then "open tray". Great instruction and video, but unfortunately didn't fix the problem.

Xbox 360 s teardown